Ramble Blog

3 Ways to Use Ramble on Facebook

Written by Adaire Smithwick | Oct 10, 2017 5:10:58 PM

The magic of Ramble is that live chat can be successfully invoked from anywhere online. Your personalized vanity link can help you capture leads from every social media site. A great example is using Ramble Chat to capture and nurture leads from Facebook. Facebook has evolved over the last decade to enable businesses to take advantage of their social network to entice new consumer traffic and leads. Ramble Chat is making that even easier.

1. Post Your Chat Link on Your Profile

Whether you have a business profile or a personal profile used to advertise your business, the Ramble Chat link works well on both. In addition to posting your website in your profile, post your own Ramble Chat link as well. This will allow leads to chat with your business instantly. Live chat allows your potential customers to feel valued, speak directly with a representative and gain real time knowledge without having to explore your website themselves. Chat has been proven to drive up to 7.5X more leads and sales!

2. Boosted Ads

Boosted Ads are one of Facebook's most successful offerings for businesses. They allow businesses to pay for more exposure on the web. Boosted Ads let you to select your desired demographic, craft your message and publish creative media. Your Ramble Chat link can be imbedded in a Boosted Ad to encourage immediate engagement. Adding your Ramble Chat link in the ad can entice leads to click on it to chat with a representative in real time. The Boosted Ad will help you reach a new audience and your Ramble Chat link will encourage them to interact with your company at their moment of interest.

3. Include Your Link Directly In Your Posts

Your Ramble Chat link can be added to any post at any time. For example, if your company is taking a poll, or leading a giveaway, the Ramble Chat link can be used in the status to allow people to answer or interact instantly. In your Ramble dashboard, you can see a detailed history of all your chats and messages, enabling you to easily keep track of your interactions and leads!

In addition, your Ramble Chat link hides all your personal contact information. You can chat with the people you haven't met yet but are trying to reach, without exposing your personal phone number or email address. You can prospect safely.

As always, follow our blog for more information on how you can use Ramble Chat to gain more traffic to your business. Keep Rambling On!